Thursday, January 04, 2007

Update on London.

After New Years we spent a day indoors - partly because we were all hung over and also because I've been sick with an awful cold! (I actually lost my voice on New Years because we were in a noisy pub and I've had a cough for a week!) I saw a doctor and found out I have a chest infection, sinusitis and laryngitis! The anti-biotics have done wonders though!!

We caught up with some of our Aussie friends on the 2nd January. We started at Zoya's house and saw her gorgeous baby Catherine. We also caught up with Jack, Polina and Julia and went out for drinks and dinner.

On the 3rd January we went sight seeing in London and I caught up with Julia for lunch. We saw Big Ben, Westminister Abbey, London Eye, etc. Then at night time Sam drove us to Portsmouth to catch up with her parents for dinner. It was so great to see them again!

Today we had a quick tour of Portsmouth and then went to see Stonehenge. It's an amazing place, but very very cold! Then we went to Salisbury, which is a town nearby with a gorgeous cathedral.

Now we're back in London. Tonight we're off to the pub. Tomorrow we're doing more sight seeing and going out for a curry at night (which was a request of Greg's). Then Saturday we leave for Paris.

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